Personal Leasing Transportation Co.

West 140th & Triskett Road

Cleveland, OH 44111


440-895-7577 Text

216-252-5658 fax

What is the law in Ohio for Car seats?
  • Ohio Revised Code 4511.81

  • A child till age 4 year old and or forty pounds must use a car seat that meets federal motor vehicle safety standards.

  • Once a child reaches 4 years of age or weighs at least 40 pounds, the child can use a booster seat.

  • A child is to use the booster seat until the age of 8 years old or a height of 4’9”

  • All other children (age 8-15) must use a child safety seat or seat belt

  • There is no law about children sitting in the front seat of a car, with or without an airbag.  However, children in booster seats or car seat should not sit in the front seat unless the airbag has been disengaged.  Modern Vehicles have weight sensors on the front passenger seats and airbags will not deploy unless the front passenger is over 70 pounds.

  • For more information click HERE

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Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Program

The Jon Peterson Special Needs (JPSN) Scholarship Program provides scholarships to students who are eligible to attend kindergarten through 12th grade and have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) from their district. The amount of each scholarship will be based on the primary disability condition identified on the student's Evaluation Team Report (ETR) and will not exceed $27,000. Students must be enrolled in the scholarship program for the entire program year to receive the full scholarship amount.

Personal Leasing Transportation is a provider of transportation for Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship recipients.   Contact us for more information HERE

McKinney-Vento Act

What is McKinney- Vento Act?     Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program (McKinney-Vento) Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program (McKinney-Vento) PURPOSE The intent of the McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth program is to remove all educational barriers facing children and youth experiencing.  Often there is a transportation component to this.  Personal Leasing Transportation Co. has provided districts with quick response solutions.  Our fleet of vehicles provides the flexibility to transport a family or a single student from their temporary home to their home school.  Contact us for a quote.